The Cleveland Institution of Engineers serves Teesside's scientific community through its wide range of learned society activities and by acting as the professional body for materials scientists and engineers. The CIE is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the world and has been in continuous existence since it was founded in 1864. We are affiliated to IOM3 and are founder members of the Cleveland Scientific Institution.
Any queries about events, please email [email protected]
Join us at Cleveland Institute of Engineers
If you wish to learn more about the CIE please look at the flyer attached. Our Membership Secretary can be contacted on [email protected] , and a membership form is downloadable below

CIE Archives
The Cleveland Institution of Engineers is very proud of its heritage. We were founded in 1864, and have Archives of all our lectures from 1868 to 1942. These have been digitised, and are available as .pdf files. It is hoped that these will be in the IoM3 Digital Library in the future. Attached is an index of the lectures that we have digitised. The original documents (and a CD of the lectures) are available at Teesside Archives, and a partial set of paper originals are housed in Middlesbrough Reference Library. For those not able to access these, please contact Sue Parker at [email protected] and she will send you a copy of the lecture you require. For non-IoM3 members there will be a charge of £10 to be split equally between IoM3 and CIE.