IOM3 Approved recognises the importance of attending lectures, conferences and courses, and achieving recognised qualifications for professional development.
Events, courses and qualifications that carry one of our three IOM3 Approved badges are of the highest standard and fall within the technical remit of IOM3.

Recognising the contribution of lectures and conferences to ongoing learning.
- For people seeking lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences that are approved for professional development
- For organisers seeking PD Approval of their events

Recognising excellence in materials, minerals and mining training.
- For people seeking benchmarked courses in the materials, minerals and mining sector
- For providers seeking quality assurance and PD approval of their training provision

Recognising degree programmes that are not eligible for accreditation through one of our licensed bodies.
- For students seeking undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in materials, minerals and mining
- For institutions seeking certification of higher education programmes of one of more year's duration