17 August 2021

IOM3 update on Governance Modernisation phase 3

Following on from the governance changes in 2019, the proposals for implementing the third phase of IOM3 Governance Modernisation were issued for consultation for members up until July 2021.


32 responses were received in total, and overall, there was strong support for the proposed changes. In summary these were as follows: 

Membership grade changes (Q1-4)

The main part of these changes is a modernisation of the IOM3 membership grade structure to offer members a structure that better meets the professional needs of the wide technical communities of IOM3 and that reflects best practice within the professional body community. 90% of respondents supported the grade simplification proposals, and the vast majority of comments on the way of handling membership-related and other requirements were also positive.

Virtual and hybrid General Meetings (Q5-7)

The changes proposed was to allow for virtual meetings. While acknowledging the importance of face-to-face meetings where possible, 96% of respondents supported introducing the power to hold General Meetings with a virtual element (hybrid physical-virtual or virtual only) and considered the proposed amendments would work.

New Trustee Rules (Q8-14)

96% agreed with allowing the Executive Board to appoint up to two Trustees for renewable one-year terms, and 100% suggested there should be a limit to how many times this could be renewed (with a plurality suggesting the limit should be 4 years). 93% supported the changes to rules on which Trustees must be a Corporate Member and which could be in another membership grade. There was unanimous support for the changes to allow removal of an unsatisfactory Trustee.

Other aspects (Q15-19)

Almost all comments on allowing the Executive Board to set the grace period between non-payment and lapsing were supportive. Respondents did not note any errors with the proposed gender-neutral language changes and no other problems were raised in the final section.

Next steps

The proposals have been amended slightly to address specific feedback and will now be subject to a vote at the IOM3 AGM on 14 September. If agreed, they will then be submitted to the Privy Council for approval and, if that is granted, will be implemented in due course.

  • Free
  • AGM
  • 14 September 2021

AGM 2021

IOM3 Members are invited to join us in person or online for the Annual General Meeting of the Insitute of Materials, Minerals & Mining

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Read full Governance changes


IOM3 Governance Modernisation – Phase 3