What is expected of me?

As an IOM3 active supporter or volunteer, you will be taking on the responsibility of representing the Institute and the sector in a professional capacity. It is therefore important that you are aware of the relevant rules that govern such roles, including some which are legal requirements we must comply with as a registered charity or under our Charter, Bye-laws and Regulations.
View IOM3 Governance documents

All of our active supporter or volunteer roles have a role profile, a copy of which will be made available to you upon request or at the time of application or on appointment. Formal committees in the governance structure all have terms of reference which can be found via our governance web pages. It is important for you to keep in touch with what is happening in IOM3, and it is recommended that you sign up for alerts via your MyIOM3 page on the website.
View IOM3 Terms of Reference 

All IOM3 members are bound by our Code of Professional Conduct, which is enforced through the Disciplinary and Appeals Procedure.
View IOM3 Code of Conduct

In addition, a bespoke active supporter and volunteer agreement has been developed, which all active supporters and volunteers must sign and follow. The content of the agreement is shown below.

Active supporters and volunteers should also familiarise themselves with our other policies which have been created to meet our legal obligations and protect the organisation, our members, our active supporters, and volunteers, and the IOM3 Team:

Data Protection

IOM3 takes protecting the data of its members, active supporters and volunteers, and employees very seriously. As an active supporter or volunteer you will have limited access to such data, but where you do have access, it is essential that you handle and protect it appropriately. Any data breaches must be reported immediately. Specific guidance will be provided if you do have access (for example for licenced activity), but all active supporters and volunteers should read our privacy policy.

Key contacts

Paul Skerry

Paul Skerry

Director of Membership & Professional Standards

IOM3 Active Supporter & Volunteer (ASV) agreement

By agreeing to be an active supporter or volunteer for IOM3, you are committing to supporting the charitable purposes of IOM3 and delivering its objectives. This includes agreeing to be bound by the regulations and policies of IOM3 as they apply to active supporters or volunteers and to conducting yourself in an appropriate manner as set out in this Agreement.

At the same time, IOM3 commits to support you as an active supporter or volunteer, with the necessary tools, information, news, and resources to fulfil this role to an appropriate professional level and to follow this active supporter and volunteer agreement.


There is a duty upon active supporters and volunteers of the Institute to behave ethically and honourably or in other words, ‘to do the right thing’. Being an active supporter or volunteer for the Institute is a privilege and honour and active supporters and volunteers should do nothing that in any way could diminish the high standing of the Institute or have a negative impact on it.

Individuals are expected to conduct themselves properly in the performance of their duties as an active supporter or volunteer, in accordance with the following rules for conduct. These apply equally to members and non-members.

Rules for conduct

  1. Confidentiality – active supporters and volunteers must treat all IOM3 business they transact and IOM3 information they are given access to as commercial in confidence. They must not discuss or voluntarily share with others (regardless of whether they are IOM3 members or hold active supporter or volunteer posts within other parts of the Institute governance structure) or publicise anything to third parties. The exception will be when they are actioned to undertake an activity and then they should exercise their best judgement in how this is transacted.
  2. Impartiality – active supporters and volunteers must carry out their duties with complete objectivity and impartiality. Where a potential conflict of interest arises, this must be declared immediately to the relevant committee Chair or IOM3 Team member who will advise on how it should be handled.
  3. Data protection – active supporters and volunteers are bound by the Institute’s policies and procedures on data protection in respect to all personal data they are entrusted with during the course of their activities with IOM3. All activities must be performed in compliance with the GDPR.
  4. Respect for others – active supporters and volunteers must show due consideration and respect to others with whom they have dealings in the course of their duties, be they members, the general public or members of the IOM3 Team. They must treat all people and organisations equally with respect and without bias and must uphold the legal standing of protected characteristics defined by the 2010 Equality Act.
  5. Safeguarding – active supporters and volunteers must understand their responsibility to the safeguarding of others in all IOM3 activities, particularly vulnerable people, and members of minority groups. They must ensure that all IOM3 activities do not exploit, harass, or demean other people or organisations, and lead or attempt to lead to their loss of personal and/or professional dignity and standing.
  6. Environment and sustainable development – active supporters and volunteers shall show due regard for the environment, the sustainable management of natural resources and the health and wellbeing of present and future generations in their actions as active supporters or volunteers.
  7. Competence – active supporters and volunteers must be competent in relation to every duty they undertake for IOM3 and ensure they maintain their competence through an annual programme of continuing professional development (CPD). IOM3 reserves the right to request that any active supporter or volunteer submits proof of CPD through an appropriate CPD record, regardless of whether they are an IOM3 member or not. Failure to do so may lead to potential sanction. Those who are unclear about these requirements in relation to their ASV role should refer back to their lead IOM3 Team contact. 
  8. Fitness – active supporters and volunteers shall notify IOM3 if they are convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty or violence, or upon becoming bankrupt or disqualified as a Company Director, or if removed from the membership of another professional body as a consequence of a disciplinary procedure. This may lead to suspension of the right to act as an active supporter or volunteer for IOM3, but this is not automatic and will depend on the individual circumstances of the case.

If you are already an IOM3 Active Supporter or Volunteer, please follow the link below to sign the agreement (login required) if you have not already done so

Sign ASV Agreement form