11 August 2021

Share your views ahead of our next Advisory Council meeting

The IOM3 Advisory Council exists to advise the Executive Board on major strategic issues and consists of the Officers of the Institute together with 21 members representing the Technical Communities, eight members representing Grades and seven members representing UK and overseas regions.

The next Advisory Council meeting will take place on Tuesday 14 September and will cover a range of important issues, including:

  • Engaging with consultations and the visibility of IOM3
  • Interaction between different technical communities
  • The role and importance of local societies going forward

The IOM3 Advisory Council provides a valuable communication channel between members and IOM3 Trustees and Senior management, and we are keen to facilitate this still further. We therefore encourage members to share your views or to raise any questions on the topics listed via your elected representative ahead of the next meeting.

You can find the name and contact details of your representative by clicking the button below.

Whether you would like to share your thoughts on one or more of the agenda items or suggest a topic for discussion at a future meeting, your elected representative will be eager to hear your views.