22 September 2023

Could you be a role model to the next generation of engineers?

Queen Mary University of London, UK, seeks to change perceptions through a showcase of stories from engineers that are typically under-represented.

The university is looking for individuals who are employed in, or pursuing a PhD in engineering, science, or technology.

Proud to be an Engineer hopes to find under-represented engineers, with a focus on those identifying as LGBTQ+ or have a disability.

The participants will showcase their stories at two community events in the summer of 2024. The first is for young learners from schools and colleges in East London, with the second event open to the local community. 

The campaign is an opportunity to reach under-represented groups and develop public engagement skills. Participation is free and includes CPD bespoke public engagement training delivered by the University’s Centre of Public Engagement.

Supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious public engagement awards, the campaign will run from November 2023 to July 2024.

For more information on the campaign.

If you have any questions, please contact the team [email protected]