Not sure where to go for impartial technical help?
If your supplier seems biased, or you would like to be better informed when you talk with them, or other potential suppliers - we can help.

Does an internet search return hundreds of possible suggestions? We provide sensible options.

We have an experienced information and library support team who can tap in to a range of technical networks and filter your enquiry. Assistance will be impartial and geared solely to help you solve your problem. For example:

  • Information/advice on specifications, properties, materials or process selection
  • Failure investigation/advice: why has this component failed? 
  • Advice on sustainable design, re-use, disposal.
  • Looking at the packaging materials you currently use, or are considering using? We can help demystify the whole issue surrounding what are often vital products, such as can I remove plastic, do I need to remove plastic or what is 'sustainable' packaging anyway? 

We can provide support to help you select the appropriate materials and processes for your products. Correct materials and process selection is fundamental to a product's success – get it right and profitability and product performance are maximised, but get it wrong and poor performance and product failure soon lead to a damaged reputation in the marketplace.

How/why should I use the technical enquiry service?

  • A telephone helpdesk: often able to help you there and then. If not, they will know who can. Tel: +44 (0)1476 515769
  • Access to qualified and experienced materials technologists/information service and library team
  • Impartial and totally confidential service. Enquiries are treated anonymously within our networks until both parties are comfortable, and the methods used comply with GDPR/data protection
  • Assistance with materials selection and supplier or sub-contractor location
  • Finding sources of expertise, manufacturers, consultants 
  • Access to industry-relevant publications including the IOM3 library