Report highlights maritime shipping’s hydrogen economy
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and University of Applied Sciences, Germany, conclude more infrastructure is needed to support the transition.

The findings state hydrogen from clean sources, shaping its infrastructure and making transportation readily available - especially in hard-to-abate sectors - is key to secure net-zero in time.
The Turning Hydrogen Demand Into Reality: Which Sectors Come First? asserts port infrastructure and readiness to transport energy is ‘essential’ for maritime’s hydrogen economy.
Europe has a target of 20Mt per year by 2030, with half of that coming from imports. To meet this and future demands presents the maritime industry with a ‘once-in-a-generation’ opportunity and further competition, the ICS claims.
Demand for hydrogen is expected to increase, although for global hydrogen demand to meet net-zero by 2050, it would need to scale five times from current levels, reaching almost 500Mt.
Most of the demand would come from industrial sectors – as it is easier to uptake – and a 5% share from transport, the report says.
Also emphasised is the need for governments to increase innovation and R&D to bring down costs.