Plastics, Rubber and Composites, Vol. 51, No. 4, out now
Composite decomposition mechanisms, flame behaviour of polymer composites used in cables, and synthesis, characterisation and pseudocapacitance performance of a nanocomposite.

This issue contains the following articles, which are available to members via My IOM3.
Decomposition mechanism of boron phenolic resin composites under temperature gradient
Ren Yilin, Zhixiong Huang, Minxian Shi, Zongyi Deng & Chuang Dong
Pages: 163-172
DOI: 10.1080/14658011.2021.1955199
Hybrid carbon filled thermoplastic composites: synergistic effect of synthetic graphite and graphene nanoplatelets on thermal and mechanical properties of polyamide 4.6
Lutfiye Altay, Elif Kızılkan, Yoldas Sekı, Akın İşbilir & Mehmet Sarıkanat
Pages: 173-184
DOI: 10.1080/14658011.2021.1955200
Flame behaviour of magnesium and aluminium hydroxide-filled polymer composites used in power and telecom cables
Elena Roda, Franco Galletti, Ada Truscello & Cristian Gambarotti
Pages: 185-195
DOI: 10.1080/14658011.2021.1962617
Nanocomposite of p-type conductive polymer/iron (III) trimesic (Fe-BTC) metal–organic frameworks: synthesis, characterisation and pseudocapacitance performance
Hossein Mostaanzadeh, Mohammad Shahmohammadi, Ali Ehsani, Mojtaba Moharramnejad & Mohammadreza Babazadeh
Pages: 196-204
DOI: 10.1080/14658011.2021.1966247
Surface modified iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanosheets reinforced PVDF nanocomposites: influence on morphology, thermal and magnetic properties
N. V. Lakshmi, Pankaj Tambe & Biswajit Panda
Pages: 205-216
DOI: 10.1080/14658011.2021.1966248