22 July 2020

Hydrogen Advisory Council set up by Government

The UK government has launched a new Hydrogen Advisory Council as part of efforts to cut emissions.

The purpose of the Hydrogen Advisory Council is to inform the development of hydrogen as a strategic decarbonised energy carrier for the UK.

Through the Hydrogen Advisory Council, government and industry will work together to identify and promote concrete actions required to enable the supply of low carbon hydrogen at scale for use across the energy system, addressing near-term challenges and maximising opportunities for UK business in this rapidly growing area.

The Council will be the primary forum for BEIS ministerial engagement with representatives from the hydrogen sector. The Council will consider the relationship between production and end use, including strategic considerations for where and when hydrogen is deployed, alongside coordination with potential demand volumes and cost implications.

The Council and any working groups will engage with existing industry and government led groups where the remit covers hydrogen or has implications for the development of hydrogen, to ensure alignment as required.

The Council is co-chaired by Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, and Sinead Lynch, UK Country Chair of Shell.

Membership of the Council and its working groups will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it is able to respond to and support government in meeting its strategic objectives for hydrogen.

This article was contributed by the Energy Transition Group

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