Membership renewal notes
Payment methods
Pay online by credit or debit card
Go to and under My IOM3 click on Invoice history to see amounts to pay. Click Pay now and pay securely by card or alternatively set up a direct debit mandate.
If you have forgotten or not yet set up a password on our new website, use our Forgotten password reminder function located on the login page link above.
If you prefer to pay by credit card over the phone, please call +44(0)20 7451 7339/7342
Pay by Bank Transfer
Using BACS or internet banking from your bank account [giving your Membership No. and surname as a reference] to:
The Institute Of Materials Minerals And Mining
Santander UK plc
Sort code: 09-02-22
Account no: 10643099
Swift code: ABBYGB2L
IBAN: GB 40 ABBY09022210643099
If you need a receipt for your payment, you can download this in your MyIOM3 invoice history page.
We prefer payment by one of the above methods, for security and traceability, but if you are unable to pay by Bank Transfer or online, we will accept a cheque made payable to IOM3 and sent to our London office address (see website footer). Please write your Membership No. and surname on the back of the cheque.
Your contact details/technical interest profile
You can view and update your mailing/email address and member profile information logging in (top right of this page). If you have forgotten your password, please use the Forgotten Password link. We would encourage you to update both your home and work email address so that we can keep in touch. To achieve maximum benefit from IOM3 networks, we encourage you update your profile to include preferred Technical Community, Local Society, Member Network and subject interests. You will only benefit from targeted information and communications if we know your preferences.
Donations to the Member's Benevolent Trust (MBT) fund
IOM3 strongly supports the work of the MBT in assisting members or their families in times of hardship. The fund is financed by donations and is separate to the Institute. Those wishing to donate can do so when you pay your membership fees.
Donations are allowable for Gift Aid for UK taxpayers – please indicate when making payment.
Support from the MBT
If you are experiencing financial difficulties and wish to be considered for Benevolent Trust assistance, please write in confidence detailing your circumstances to the Honorary Secretary, either by email to [email protected] or by post to Member’s Benevolent Trust, c/o The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, 297 Euston Road, London NW1 3AD. More details of the types of support and how to apply are available on the MBT web page.
TMS and ASM International e-memberships
IOM3 has partnership agreements with two major professional organisations in the US, whereby an additional fee to your IOM3 membership subscription gives you access to a wide range of online benefits. TMS (£37) and ASM International (£35) e-membership is not renewed automatically – you need to opt in as follows:
DD payers – please notify us straight away if you wish to take up either or both subscriptions.
Non-DD payers – please add the e-membership subscription when you pay online. If you wish to add this during the year after you have renewed your subscription, please contact us.
Members who opt in to these e-memberships will have their contact details passed on to TMS and/or ASM International for the purposes of registration as members of these organisations and access to benefits.
Registration as CEng, IEng, EngTech, CSci, RSci, RSciTech, CEnv and REnvP
Registration fees are collected by the Institute on behalf of the Engineering Council, the Science Council and the Society for the Environment. If you are registered through two or more professional institutions, you should pay only one fee through the institution of your choice. The amount due from you is shown along with your IOM3 subscription.
Important information regarding Data Protection
The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining will hold and use membership data for administration purposes, to keep you informed of IOM3 activities and to offer you goods/services provided by the Institute. To amend your preferences and check the details we hold for you, please log in and check your profile.
For more details of how IOM3 processes your data, please refer to our Privacy Notice.
If you have any questions about your membership, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us