Pack to the Future 2024

The Midlands Packaging Society are pleased to announce the date for the 12th Pack to the Future conference on 24 July 2024.  This one-day conference will focus on the theme of 'The cost of sustainability - who pays?' and will allow delegates to hear from and network with thought leaders from across the spectrum of materials, supply chain, production, brand specifiers and retailers.  The programme will be includes:

  • Keynote Address by Mark Shayler, author of You Can't Make Money from a Dead Planet
  • Hershal Gore, Head of Strategy & External Relations pEPR, DEFRA, Latest developments on sustainable packaging
  • Closed loop recycling by Tom McKenzie-Brook, Eunomia
  • Sustainability across the Pond by Aaron Tucker from Michigan State University, USA
  • Update on Compostable Materials by Gary Tee, TIPA
  • Sustainable Design: Different Perspectives of Value by Dr Nikki Clark, University of Loughborough
  • Designing with Climate in Mind by James Pryor of Touch Design

The event will take place in the School of Design and Creative Arts and Loughborough University on Wednesday 24 July.

For more information visit the Midlands Packaging Society homepage or contact the organising team.

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