An Introduction to Cyber Security and Penetration Testing

Cyber Security and Penetration Testing in particular are becoming increasingly important, with Microsoft estimating that cyber attacks against organisations have risen by 54% since the outbreak of Covid19. Rather than just sitting back and hoping for the best, having a robust cyber security plan and performing proactive penetration testing allows your business to protect itself against the risk before it happens.

This webinar will demonstrate how targeted penetration testing can help to: uncover potentially critical security issues within your corporate environments; identify how these vulnerabilities can be used by malicious actors and most importantly; what steps can be taken to mitigate risk and fix potential issues before they are exploited for real.


Who is the webinar aimed at?

Any professional who works for a company that has an online presence will benefit from attending this webinar, and understanding how to implement strong cyber security measures to ensure their customer data is secure, and prevent cyber attacks.

Attendees will benefit from an increased understanding of how criminals target your environment, how damaging it can be and how you can prevent cyber attacks.

What are the webinar requirements?

The webinar will be especially interesting to those with a basic understanding of penetration testing but prior knowledge is not required as the process will be fully explained during the webinar.

How does it work?

This one-hour webinar will be broadcast via Zoom and delegate questions can be posed through the Q&A function. A video of the webinar will be recorded for all delegates including any material referenced. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday 20 January, 13:00 (GMT) on the IOM3 Zoom channel. All registered delegates will receive a link and instructions of how to join the webinar in advance. You will need an internet connection to take part in the webinar.

What will I learn from attending this Webinar?

The key learning objective of this webinar is to understand how cyber attacks can affect your company, and to provide an introduction to cyber security and penetration testing and how this can minimise risk.

You will also understand:

  • The financial impact of a cyber attack
  • How to mitigate attacks
  • The benefits and importance of cyber security
  • What a secure network looks like and how this can be achieved