Sir Colin Humphreys Education Award

Recognising excellence in enhancing students' literacy in STEM through the teaching of materials, minerals and mining in the 5-18 education sector.

Sir Colin Humphreys Education Award

The Sir Colin Humphreys Education Award recognises the crucial contribution that those working in the 5-18 education sector make to enhancing students' literacy in STEM, in particular through the teaching of the materials, minerals and mining topics in the curriculum. The Award is open to those working within primary and secondary schools, sixth form and FE Colleges in the state and independent sector.

The judges are looking for evidence of:

  • Sustained effort over a number of years encouraging learners
  • Sharing best practice with colleagues in the nominee's establishment and beyond
  • What they have done above and beyond their everyday role.

These will be measured against what the nominee is expected to do as part of their normal role and the environment in which they are working.

The winner will receive a medal.

Award judging

The award is judged by an IOM3 Education panel.

Past winners

2021 -
2024 Gareth James, 2023 Beverly Maloney, 2022 Not awarded, 2021 Not awarded

2008 - 2020
2020 J Luton, 2019 R Goodall, 2018 S V McLaren, 2017 F da Silva Wheeler MBE, 2016 J Perkins, 2015 C Hinchcliffe, 2014 P Withers & L Harratt-Jones, 2013 Mark Rogers & W Dransfield-Scott, 2012 A Laferrere & J Smith, 2011 P O’Brien, 2010 Mandy Martin-Smith & Amy Preece, 2009 James Jenner, 2008 (joint) Dr Susan Wilkinson & Christopher Williams


Nomination process

The following information is required to submit a nomination:

  • Nominee's title, full name, email address, IOM3 member grade (if applicable) and postnominals, company and position
  • Citation (500 words max) to support your nomination
  • Additional documentation (i.e. letters of support, CV, list of publications) to further support your nomination
  • Details of an external referee (only if the nominee and nominator are from the same organisation).

Please note you may save your nomination as a draft at any point during the process and complete at a later date.