Pfeil Award

For published work of particular merit in the field of ceramics.

Pfeil Award

The Pfeil Award is presented annually for published work of particular merit in the field of ceramics.

Eligible papers must have been published 2 years before the award is presented in a relevant IOM3 Journal, such as:

  • Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional & Bioceramics
  • Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
  • International Materials Reviews
  • Materials Science & Technology
  • Powder Metallurgy

The winner will receive a certificate and £450.00

Award judging

The award is judged by the IOM3 Ceramics Leadership Team.

Past winners

Highly wear resistant dual-phase (Ti-Zt-Nb-Hf-Ta)c/(Ti-Zr-Nb-Hf-Ta) B2 high-entropy ceramics
Prof Jan Disza & Prof Mike Reece

Temperature dependence in ageing process in commercial zirconia dental ceramics
Shafique Ahmed, Chunxiao Song, Jiyue Wu, Bo Li & Haixue Yan

Athermal electric field effects in flash sintered zirconia
Jian Dong, Mattia Biesuz, Vincenzo M Sglavo, Milad Kermani, Xiaojia Su, Theo Saunders, Chunfeng Hu & Salvatore Grasso

A theoretical analysis of cold sintering
M. Biesuz, G. Taveri, A. Duff, E. Olevsky, D. Zhu, C. Hu, S. Grasso

2019 J Han, J Zhao & Z Shen, 2018, M Yu, S Grasso, R McKinnon, T Saunders & M Reece, 2017 A Paul, J G P Binner, B Vaidhyanathan, A C J Heatonand & P M Brown, 2016 L Cordero-Arias, S Cabanas-Polo, J Gilabert, O M Goudouri, E Sanchez, S Virtanen & A R Boccaccini, 2015 M Marangoni, I Ponsot, R Kuusik & E Bernardo, 2014 T Bak, J Nowotny, N Sucher & E D Wachsman, 2013 R Chaim, R Marder, C Estourne's & Z Shen, 2012 A Covill, N C Hyatt, J Hill & N C Collier, 2011 M Tyrer, C R Cheeseman, R Greaves, P A Claisse, E Ganjian, M Kay & J Churchman-Davies, 2010 Bernardo Esposito, E Rambaldi & A Tucci, 2009 Rachel Taylor, I Richardson & R Brydson, 2008 L Sheppard & J Nowotny, 2007 P Colombo, F Zordan & E Medvedovski, 2006 J Nowotny, T Bak, C C Sorrell, M Nowotny, S J L Kang & C Prince, 2005 S Wada & T Tsurumi, 2000 H R Rezaie, W M Rainforth & W M Lee, 1997 Prof R A Farrar & Dr Z Zhang, 1996 Dr N Darwich & Dr R Elliott, 1995 D T Llewellyn, 1994 Dr R Priestner & Dr L Ali, 1993 Dr H S Yang, Prof A K Mukherjee & Dr W T Roberts

About Dr L B Pfeil OBE FRS

Dr Leonard Bessemer Pfeil whose death occurred on February 16, was a metallurgist of distinction. His research on single crystals and the scaling of iron and steel in the 1920s earned him a recognition that was further enhanced when, in 1940, a research team under his leadership introduced the first series of Nimonic alloys.

A former Vice Chairman and Director of International Nickel Ltd, Dr Pfeil had taken an active part in the affairs of the country's metallurgical societies. He was elected President of The Institution of Metallurgists (1953-1954) and of the Institute of Metals (1957-1958) and was a Fellow of both societies. He also served on the Council of The Iron and Steel Institute.

Dr Pfeil had received many metallurgical awards, among which were the Bessemer Medal of the Royal School of Mines, the Platinum Medal of the Institute of Metals, and the Ste-Claire Deville Medal of the Institute of British Foundrymen. He received the OBE in 1947 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1951.

Metals and Materials, March 1959, p 93