Outstanding Contribution Award for EDI

In recognition of significant contribution to and/or promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion in IOM3, and the wider materials, minerals and mining communities.

Outstanding Contribution Award for EDI

For significant contributions, either in terms of contribution to equity, diversity and inclusion across IOM3, and/or promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion to the wider materials, minerals and mining communities.

This award is intended to support members from underrepresented groups including those who identify as women, people from the LGBTQ+ community, people from ethnic minorities, those that are neurodiverse and members with disabilities. The recipient will have a record of championing equity, diversity and inclusion, within the materials, minerals or mining sectors.

This would be awarded to any individual who has promoted best practice in terms of equity, diversity and inclusion.

The winner will receive a certificate and will be invited to speak at a suitably appropriate event.

Award judges

The award is judged by the Members' Board.

Past winners

2024 (joint) EUR ING Dawn Bonfield MBE FREng CEng FIMMM & Dr Cathryn MacCallum CEnv FIMMM, 2023 Martin Griffin CEng FIMMM, 2022 Avery Cunningham GradIMMM

Nomination process

The following information is required to submit a nomination:

  • Nominee's title, full name, email address, IOM3 member grade (if applicable) and postnominals, company and position
  • Citation (500 words max) to support your nomination
  • Additional documentation (i.e. letters of support, CV, list of publications) to further support your nomination
  • Details of an external referee (only if the nominee and nominator are from the same organisation
  • Statement (500 words max) explaining how the nominee is championing diversity, equity and inclusion within the materials, minerals and mining sectors.

Please note you may save your nomination as a draft at any point during the process and complete at a later date.