The role of resource efficiency and the circular economy
Catch up on the IOM3 Sustainable Future Week webinars. This is webinar 1 of 10.
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As part of its Sustainable Future theme to help build momentum ahead of COP26, IOM3 hosted a week of virtual events across 6-10 September 2021. This week showcased the vital role of professionals in materials, minerals and mining in the transition to a low carbon, resource efficient society. The first day of the series explored the role of resource efficiency and the transition to a more circular economy in reaching net zero.
Better use and management of resources will be fundamental to the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions and yet is often overlooked in climate debate and policy.
This event will explore the potential contribution of resource efficiency and the circular economy to both reaching the UK net zero target and reducing global emissions associated with UK consumption.
Hear from a range of industrial, academic and policy experts as they explore the role of resource efficiency and the circular economy in reaching Net Zero. This session will look in more detail at:
- the resource efficiency opportunities and challenges for industry including construction and transport
- the role of well-designed packaging in reaching Net Zero
- the need for more effective recovery and reuse of critical raw materials and a shift towards a more circular economy for electronics
You'll hear from
- The role of the Climate Change Committee in driving decarbonisation
Lord Deben - Net Zero: Why resource efficiency holds the answers
Keith James, WRAP - The role of packaging in reaching net zero
Margaret Bates, OPRL - Why resource efficiency must be at the core of industrial strategy
Julian Allwood, University of Cambridge - Industrial decarbonisation: the role of resource efficiency
Sophie Parsons, National Composites Centre