13 July 2022

The Member’s Benevolent Trust wants to hear from IOM3 members

MBT invites current IOM3 members to share their thoughts on how the Trust can better support them.


The Member’s Benevolent Trust (MBT) is carrying out a survey to find out from members of IOM3 what support and assistance they would like to see from the Trust. The results from the survey will help MBT define their ongoing strategy and the support they provide.

MBT is an independent registered charity, run by volunteers to provide assistance to present and former members and employees, and their families, of the current Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and its predecessors.

Current IOM3 members are invited to take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SWBN9PZ before 11 Aug 2022.

More information about MBT and its current support for members.