Paul Skerry to join IOM3 as new Director of Membership & Professional Standards
IOM3 is delighted to announce that Paul Skerry CEng FIMMM FICE FCInstCES will be joining us as our new Director of Membership and Professional Standards from 2 January 2024

Paul has been a Chartered Engineer since 2003 and a Fellow of IOM3 since 2021. He has 30 years' construction industry experience. He held a variety of operational roles before moving to specialise in training and development over 10 years ago.
Paul will be joining IOM3 from Laing O’Rourke, where he focuses on training, development and future skills for 1,400 technical staff across a variety of disciplines. Prior to that, he held a similar role at BAM where he was responsible for the development of its IOM3 training scheme.
Alongside the day job, Paul has held a number of non-executive roles associated with technical skills development. Within education, this includes an external examiner role for Leeds Beckett University, UK, and in the apprenticeship space, following initial involvement with the development of Trailblazer qualifications, he joined the IfATE Construction Route Panel.
From an accreditation perspective, he carried out the role of Chief Examiner for the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors for a number of years. At the ICE, where he has been Co-Chair of the Employers Group, he also supported the development of Experiential Learning routes to qualification as part of wider work with the Joint Board of Moderators.
In the charities arena, he has recently become a Trustee Board Member with Engineers Without Borders because of their shared beliefs on the personal contribution scientists and engineers can make to influence the carbon net-zero journey. At IOM3, he is looking forward to supporting current and future members to become the best versions of themselves while working towards achieving these ambitious goals.