22 October 2021

NMA Lunchtime Seminars: Focus on Protein Based Materials

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Natural Materials Association regular monthly virtual event, this time discussing protein based natural materials. This on-demand video explors the range of protein based materials in both the research and commercial fields. These materials may be diverse but they all provide potential solutions to problems in sustainability, such as single-use plastic. From jellyfish collagen to hair, join us whilst we explore the wonderful world of protein-based natural materials.


You will hear from:

  • Ella Hudson, Doctoral Student, Natural Materials Group, University of Sheffield reveals how hair can be used as a natural material in everyday applications
  • Nilofar Faruqui, Higher Research Scientist, National Physical Laboratory
    details the cellular response of materials derived by jellyfish
  • Polly Keen, Chemical Engineer, Xampla showcases the use of plant protein based materials as alternatives to single-use plastic
  • Thomas Farrugia, Founder & CEO, Beta Bugs Limited povides an overview of the UK insect farming industry, where it's going and what is happening on the ground in the UK


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