22 March 2022

IOM3 submits evidence as part of call on UK Advanced Materials

IOM3 has submitted evidence to The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on UK advanced materials to help inform Government on next steps to help drive the UK Innovation Strategy's 7 technology families.

BEIS set out a call for evidence seeking views relating to a wide range of topics, including commercialisation, regulation, skills, research and innovation, promoting exports and dual-use technologies.

Advanced materials – and materials, minerals and mining more widely – are fundamental to our economy and in addressing many of the societal challenges we face such as the climate crisis, healthy ageing and global competition.

The UK is home to world class universities, institutes and facilities and these are complimented by centres of excellence in various materials technologies across the regions of the UK. This strength must be built on to help the UK to develop its materials processing industry so that it can capture as much value for its own economy as possible and compete more successfully in global markets.

Support to develop a complete pipeline through the technology readiness levels is required alongside an appropriate regulatory and standards environment to allow and encourage the safe, secure, timely and transparent development and use of new materials and technologies in the UK.

While the UK materials science and engineering skills base is of high quality, there are significant issues with quantity and diversity. A strategic approach is needed to ensure an appropriately skilled and diverse workforce including a capable talent pipeline, support for upskilling and reskilling, and an ongoing assessment of future skills requirements.

For the opportunities for advanced materials to be truly realised in the UK, a cultural shift and change of narrative is required to ensure materials are properly valued and recognised for their role in underpinning our society and economy.

Our full response and news item can be found below.


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