3 October 2021

IOM3 releases progress report on diversity and inclusion

In line with National Inclusion week, IOM3 has launched a document focused on the work done to improve its performance on inclusion, diversity and equality and identifies further steps it wishes to take.

Over the past two years, IOM3 has made significant progress towards creating a more inclusive and diverse environment for all who interact with it, and is committed to continue supporting, promoting, and creating a dialogue for under-represented and minority groups in science and engineering in the future. 

IOM3 also wishes to support its members in helping the sectors and industries in which they work be more inclusive, and therefore more attractive as career options to a wider range of people. 

Highlighted in the document is our commitment to improve our performance within IDE from our increase in member network groups to supporting external events as well as producing a steady programme of podcasts, opinion pieces and other forms of content on IDE-related matters. 

National Inclusion Week takes place on 27 September–3 October 2021.

View the full report below.