Reminder: Coventry and Warwickshire Materials Society 2023 AGM
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A reminder that the AGM will take place on Wednesday this week. This is an important meeting for the future of the Society and we need to recruit new members to the committee. Please attend if you can!
This year our AGM will take place via Zoom only to give as many members as possible the opportunity to participate. Minutes of the 2022 AGM are available to be downloaded via the link at the bottom of this notice.
We have had a number of resignations of Officers and Committee members this year so it is essential for the future of the Society that we are able to elect new members to the Committee. If you are interested in playing a role but would like to discuss in advance of the meeting, please don't hesitate to mail or call Rod Vanstone (, 07881 700379) or any other Committee members you may know. And of course we would be very happy to receive ideas or offers for our future programme from all members.
Links to join the meeting are given below. You will be able to join the Zoom meeting from 18:15 and the meeting will start at 18:30. When joining the meeting, please sign in with your full name so we can record attendance and to facilitate discussion.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Introductions
4. Minutes of 2022 AGM
5. Chair's report on the 2022/2023 season
6. Treasurer's Financial report
7. Election of Officers and Committee: Chair, Secretary; Treasurer; Student & Early Career Members’ Rep; Committee Members
8. Discussion of programme for 2023/ 2024
9. A.O.B.
How to join the meeting:
Topic: Coventry and Warwickshire Materials Society AGM 2023
Time: Jun 28, 2023 06:15 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 7738 2379
Passcode: 414064
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Meeting ID: 850 7738 2379
Passcode: 414064
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