How to take your career to the next level

Starting a new role is always difficult, but how do you make the right decisions and choices to progress your career?

Join past and current Student & Early Career Committee Chairs as they discuss the advice they followed and how they made their career choices.


12:00 Join

12:05 Welcome & Introductions

12:10 How to take your career to the next level
Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM, SECC Chair 2016-17
Dr Sam Cruchley CEng FIMMM, SECC Chair 2018-2019
Mr Martyn Jones CEng FIMMM, SECC Chair 2020-21
Dr Aimee Goodall CSci MIMMM, SECC Chair 2022-23

13:10 Q&A session

13:30 END


Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM

President 2023-2024

Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM

Dr Sam Cruchley CEng FIMMM

Dr Sam Cruchley CEng FIMMM

University of Birmingham

Mr Martyn Jones CEng FIMMM

Mr Martyn Jones CEng FIMMM

Chair, IOM3 Members' Board, Rolls-Royce plc

Dr Aimee Goodall CEng CSci MIMMM

Chair, SECC (2022-23)

Dr Aimee Goodall CEng CSci MIMMM

Event co-ordinator

Dr Ilija Rasovic MIMMM


The Student & Early Career (SEC) Group represents the views of student and early career members of IOM3.
Representatives of the SEC Committee (the Group's leadership team) sit on the IOM3 Executive Board and Advisory Council ensuring that we are raising the major issues affecting student and early career members.