Our EQIPT Benchmarking Service has been designed for those who already have significant experience of the packaging industry that don't hold a primary packaging qualification (such as the PIABC Level 5 Diploma in Packaging Technology), that wish to audit against the BRCGS for Packaging Materials.
Who is EQIPT Benchmarking for?
If you wish to become an auditor for the BRCGS for Packaging Materials you need to demonstrate that you have in-depth knowledge and understanding of packaging materials and processes and the hazards and risks associated with the industry. Holding a primary packaging qualification such as the PIABC Level 5 Diploma in Packaging Technology is one way of showing this.
For those without a primary packaging qualification and with little experience of the industry we would recommend our full EQIPT course as a means of demonstrating competence. However, we recognise that there are many people that have been working in the industry for many years, that have significant experience, that do not wish to go back to the classroom (real of virtual) to study a full course.
Our EQIPT Benchmarking service will compare your experience against the areas covered by the EQIPT course and look at whether this has given you sufficient knowledge and understanding to be equivalent to the full EQIPT qualification. If there are areas in which you are lacking the necessary expereince we will recommend that you undertake one or more assignments to improve your knowledge and understanding.
How does the benchmarking service work?
The purpose of the benchmarking process is to enable potential auditors who either have a packaging qualification other than the PIABC Level 5 Diploma in Packaging Technology or who have extensive experience in the packaging industry, to have these recognised as equivalent to all or part of the EQIPT qualification.
Auditors who wish to demonstrate the equivalence of their qualifications or experience to EQIPT should do the following:
- Register your interest to use the service
- Complete the EQIPT Benchmarking Application Form that will be emailed out to you with your registration confirmation email. This will ask which areas you wish to be benchmarked against and what packaging qualifications and experience you have. This should include your current CV, any supporting documentation to show your packaging experience and knowledge, and a minimum of 3 referees who will be contacted independently for their comments on your knowledge/experience.
- All your documents and other information will be sent to an independent adjudicator for assessment. This process will normally take no more than three working weeks. In instances where it is likely to take longer, for example where we are waiting for replies from referees, we will let you keep you informed.
The independent adjudicator can make any one of three decisions, and their decision is final:
- To grant complete exemption from EQIPT
- To grant partial exemption from EQIPT *
- Not to grant any exemption from EQIPT *
* Auditors who are granted partial or no exemption from the EQIPT qualification need to contact IOM3 Training Academy to discuss the options available to complete the qualification
Although the decision of the adjudicator is final, unsuccessful candidates can appeal but only on the grounds that the correct procedure was not followed, for example that not all of the referees were contacted.
How much does the benchmarking service cost?
EQIPT Benchmarking costs £715, plus VAT at 20% where applicable.
If is is deemed that you have only partially met the requirements of EQIPT you may study one or more specialist modules in the areas where you are lacking in understanding at a charge of £245 (VAT at 20% where applicable) each.
Members of IOM3 and subscribers to our Business Partner Programme are entitled to discounted course fees.