Governance Modernisation Phase 4

 Following on from the governance changes that commenced in November 2019, IOM3 is now in the final stages with phase 4 of our Governance Modernisation. 

The IOM3 trustees decided in 2019 that it was an appropriate time to review how our technical communities are structured, who is involved, how they help deliver benefits to members and to wider society, and how we can improve our services to these groups.

We hope that these changes will make it easier for members to identify technical communities of interest to them. This will help us ensure that you get more relevant and more timely technical content and help IOM3 collate and project the expertise of its members into policy discussions more effectively.

The full technical review document can be downloaded below. 

Next steps

The opportunity to comment is until 31 August 2021 via our Survey. To have your say, visit