Schools Brief A: The Product Design Brief Guidance
2024 Starpack School Brief A Guidance Y7&8
•It is recommended that this project be run over approximately 7 sessions in lessons or at an extra-curricular club:
- Introduction to the project and the concept of sustainability
- Introduction to packaging and the materials used
- First go at generating ideas
- Sharing and discussing ideas
- Drawing up the ideas and choosing final design
- Writing up development boards (and making model)
- Writing up development boards (and making model) and evaluation
2024 Starpack School Brief A Guidance Y9&10
This activity can be run for as long as you feel your learners need, but a suggested plan for each session is:
- Introduction to the project and the concept of sustainability
- Introduction to packaging and the materials used
- Investigating what needs to be packaged – sizes and shapes of fruit/veg and size of overall packaging – how is the fruit/veg going to be cut and processed – what about food waste?
- First go at generating ideas – mind mapping – discussion with peers
- Sharing and discussing initial ideas
- Analysis of materials in more detail
- Drawing up the best two ideas – testing and modelling - choosing final design
- Designing the graphics for the pack
- Writing up development boards
- Writing up development boards and evaluation
2024 Starpack School Brief A Guidance Y12
This activity can be run for as long as you feel your learners need, but a suggested plan for each session is:
- Introduction to the project and the concept of sustainability
- Introduction to packaging and the materials used
- Investigating what needs to be packaged – sizes and shapes of fruit/veg and size of overall packaging – how is the fruit/veg going to be cut and processed – what about food waste?
- First go at generating ideas – mind mapping – discussion with peers
- Sharing and discussing initial ideas
- Analysis of materials and manufacturing processes in more detail, with a focus on sustainability
- Drawing up the best two ideas – testing and modelling - choosing final design
- Designing the graphics for the pack
- Creating 3D model of final pack
- Creating pack and writing up development boards
- Writing up development boards and evaluation
Schools Brief B: The Product Analysis Brief Guidance
2024 Starpack Schools Brief B Guidance Y7&8
It is recommended that this project be run over approximately 7 sessions in lessons or at an extra-curricular club:
- Introduction to the project and introduction to the packs
- Initial exploration of packs and the materials used
- Further research of the packs
- Conducting additional research and gathering information
- Deciding how to present findings and starting to create this
- Creating submission
- Creating submission (if needed)
2024 Starpack Schools Brief B Guidance Y9&10
This activity can be run for as long as you feel your learners need, but a suggested plan for each session is:
- Introduction to the project and introduction to the packs
- Initial exploration of packs and the materials used
- Further research of the packs
- Conducting additional research and gathering information
- Deciding how to present findings and starting to create this
- Creating submission
- Creating submission (if needed)
2024 Starpack Schools Brief B Guidance Y12
This activity can be run for as long as you feel your learners need, but a suggested plan for each session is:
- Introduction to the project and introduction to the packs
- Initial exploration of packs and the materials used
- Further research of the packs
- Conducting additional research and gathering information
- Deciding how to present findings and starting to create this
- Creating submission
- Creating submission (if needed)
Schools Brief C: The Research Brief Guidance
2024 Starpack Schools Brief C Guidance Y7&8
It is recommended that this project be run over approximately 6 sessions in lessons or at an extra-curricular club:
- Introduction to the project and examples of packs
- Initial exploration of packs found at home and the materials used
- Design survey and conduct it at home and with friends
- Gather results of survey and decide how to present report
- Deciding how to present findings and starting to create submission
- Creating submission
2024 Starpack Schools Brief C Guidance Y9&10
This activity can be run for as long as you feel your learners need, but a suggested plan for each session is:
- Introduction to the project and examples of packs
- Initial exploration of packs found at home and the materials used
- Design survey and conduct it at home and with friends
- Gather results of survey and decide how to present report
- Deciding how to present findings and starting to create submission
- Creating submission
2024 Starpack Schools Brief C Guidance Y12
This activity can be run for as long as you feel your learners need, but a suggested plan for each session is:
- Introduction to the project and examples of packs
- Initial exploration of packs found at home and the materials used
- Design survey and conduct it at home and with friends
- Gather results of survey and decide how to present report
- Deciding how to present findings and starting to create submission
- Creating submission
Schools Brief D: The Primary Brief
About a week before running the activity, ask the children to collect their packaging waste for a week and make sure that they wash it before putting to one side in a bag
You can run this project in a day or across a number of sessions, but we recommend spending some time covering the following:
- Introduction to the competition and the project
- Get the children to tip their collected rubbish out in to the middle of the room and then sort it in to packaging made from plastic (rigid and flexible), metal , glass, and paper/board
- Discuss how different materials can be identified within this main groups – for example look at the recycling marks on plastics packaging and use a magnet to identify steel and aluminium packaging
- Work out how many packs are made from each major material group and each material within that group and discuss the best ways to present these results
- Discuss whether the amount of packaging they use at home could be reduced
- Decide how to present the results and create the submission
- As an extension activity, the pupils could take one example of packaging and come up with a way of giving it a new lease of life in a new use at home